
Dexter Theme Tune Ukulele Tab

Here we go, this is the first song I’ve ever really transcribed and as a result I’m pretty confident that it’s not 100% right but it’s more or less there and you could use it as a starting point…

I was a huge fan of Dexter, for a long time it was one of my favourite TV shows and it satisfied my urge to kill (most of the time). All was well until they made the final series which was completely rubbish. If you’ve not watched the final series of Dexter, take my advice and give it a miss.

Anyway, here’s my take on the theme tune by Rolfe Kent. It’s a great song to play on the ukulele and not too difficult, particularly my version as it’s just a basic melody. I tend to cut down the rest bars if I’m playing it solo as it can sound a bit empty but do whatever you like.

Dexter Theme Ukulele Tab

I’m not entirely convinced about the F# at the end, in fact I would have rather played the last set of notes an octave lower but I felt like I needed a semitone lower that doesn’t exist on the uke, well either that or I was completely wrong.

PDF Download link below, if anyone spots any glaring errors let me know!

Dexter Theme Tune Ukulele Tab PDF


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