I’ve only gone and done it. I’ve created a Ukulele Go podcast. To begin with the podcast essentially takes content from the website and lets you access it as audio so you can listen to it on the go. It’s not a show in it’s own right with guests but who knows where it will go?
I Bought A Canjo
I recently bought a canjo which isn’t exactly a ukulele but I figured it might be of interest to the ukulele go readers.
Tell Me About You
I’ve had this website for a while now and I think it’s high time that I got to know my readers a little bit better. Aside from the comments and the occasional email it’s a bit of a one way street with me throwing out my content and not knowing whether anyone is finding it useful or not.
Win An Octopus Ukulele & Also An Octopus Book
Octopus Ukuleles and Walker publishing have got together to offer a fantastic prize. You could win and Octopus Ukulele and a copy of the rather brilliant children’s book Also An Octopus!
The Best Free Ukulele Ebooks
Nothing beats a good freebie, so what could be better than a free ukulele ebook? Two free ukulele ebooks? Here’s a list of the best free ukulele ebooks that I’ve found on my armchair travels of the internet…
The Best Ukulele Books
I’ve read a few ukulele books since starting this blog a couple of years back so I thought I’d round up some of the best ukulele books and explain a little bit about each one and why I like it. So without further ado, here are my favourites (in no particular order)…
Support Ukulele Go!
I’ve been working on this website pretty much non-stop for the past 18 months in whatever free time I can find. I love working on this site – I now spend more time working on it than I do actually playing the ukulele (which is ironic as I only ever set it up to help me learn), but that’s ok with me as I enjoy both.
Add My Ukulele Tools To Your Website
I found myself on a long train journey earlier this week so I spent some time making the two ukulele tools (Find Ukulele Chords and Great Ukulele Chord Progressions) that I recently built easy to embed for anyone that might want to add them to their own ukulele websites.
I Bought A Bruko
Well the title of this post pretty much says it all. I made a bit of an impulse purchase on eBay and landed a Bruko No 5…
Blue Snowball Ice Microphone – First Thoughts
I recently bought a Blue Snowball Ice microphone to try and improve the audio quality of my videos and the demos and samples that I put on the site from time to time. I haven’t had chance to test it too much yet but I figured I’d record a quick comparison/sound test video to see how it stands up against my smartphone (which I usually use for all audio/video recording).