I keep finding ukulele stuff all around the web and I figured it would be a good idea to do a weekly round up. So without further ado, here’s this week’s round up…
Guido Heistek’s ukuleleinthedark.com is a great resource for newcomers and anyone looking to get started with a bit of ear training/playing by ear. It’s a really well put together series of lessons. Well worth a look.
Luthier Rob Collins makes some gorgeous looking ukes, my personal favourite is the walnut concert, it sounds bloody lovely too!
BazMaz of GotAUkulele took a look at the number one bestselling ukulele on Amazon UK – the Stagg US10 Soprano which has a rating of 4.5 stars. It’s fair to say he didn’t rate it, find out why…
James Cline posted his process for creating an instrumental arrangement which includes a whole bunch of tips for you to steal and use as your own.
The press went a bit crazy and started talking about ukuleles quite a lot when they found out that sales were on the rapid increase. Here’s the take on it from The Guardian and The Telegraph. If you’d prefer not to read them, shut your eyes and imagine what they wrote, you won’t be far wrong.
Matt Warnes of Omega Music has been busying himself putting together Uke Magazine, A UK ukulele magazine. If you place a pre-order you could also win a Kala Resonator. Not too shabby!
And finally, Ukulele Hunt’s ebooks made a return with a whopping 50% off sale. Head over to howtoplayukulele.com and use the code flopchonkenton to grab the discount.
That’s it for this week, the round up will return next week (if anyone reads it!)
Love the comment re the Press: “If you’d prefer not to read them, shut your eyes and imagine what they wrote, you won’t be far wrong.” Yep.
I’m pretty sure there’s just one ukulele article in a vault somewhere that gets wheeled out once a year
Thanks very much for the mention!
One day there might be an article in the press that goes as far as ascribing the ukulele resurgence to an act that regularly uses a ukulele.
Cheers Al – amazing job with Uptown Funk by the way, strum blocking beats me, especially at that kind of speed!