I’ve only gone and done it. I’ve created a Ukulele Go podcast. To begin with the podcast essentially takes content from the website and lets you access it as audio so you can listen to it on the go. It’s not a show in it’s own right with guests but who knows where it will go?
Getting Started Reading Music
It’s possible to play a musical instrument like a ukulele and have no music reading skills whatsoever, I did it for years as a guitar player. That said, when I committed to learning a little more about music, it opened my eyes (or should that be ears) to so much more.
How To Speed Up Your Ukulele Playing
If you’re looking to get a little faster with your ukulele skills then there are few better ways than to use a metronome. It may seem counterintuitive but slowing down is one of the best ways to speed up.
C Chord On Ukulele
C is probably the first chord that almost everyone learns on ukulele. It’s simple to play and it sets you up in the key of C which is one of the easiest keys to play in. Let’s take a look at the C chord in a little more detail.
Introducing Ukulele Courses
I’m really pleased to announce that I now have a courses section live on the website.
Ukulele Go Sound Hole Tees
I’ve recently designed these ukulele sound hole t-shirts which are now available for pre-order.
5 Great Ukulele Facebook Groups
It has to be said that I’m not a huge fan of Facebook but it does have its uses (I actually only have an account these days to manage the Ukulele Go Facebook page). Recently I’ve started joining numerous ukulele groups to get my ukulele fix and it’s proved pretty useful.
I Got A Ukulele For Christmas, Now What?
It seems like everyone in the whole world got a ukulele for Christmas which isn’t a bad thing at all, it means there’s more people to play with. You’re probably wondering what to do next though… Continue reading
Deck The Halls Campanella Ukulele Arrangement
I spotted this great campanella version of Deck The Halls recently and Jon (who created the beautiful arrangement) has very kindly allowed me to post the tab here for you all to learn…
Christmas Gift Ideas for Ukulele Players
Looking for some ukulele related Christmas gift ideas for a friend or family member (or maybe just a christmas treat for yourself)? Here are some great ideas for a range of budgets to help get you organised and make them happy on Christmas day…
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