Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Choan Galvez is back with another fantastic solo ukulele arrangement.
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Salt Del Grill – Solo Ukulele Arrangement
Salt Del Grill is a campanella study by Choan Galvez. Choan has very kindly allowed me to publish the tab here for you all to learn from…
More Ukulele Fingerpicking For Beginners
In my last post about ukulele Fingerpicking for beginners we looked at using a simple 3 finger pattern to get you up and running. In this lesson we’re going crazy, we’re going to add a 4th finger to the mix.
Primavera Original Ukulele Fingerpicking Song Tab
I was noodling around on the ukulele just the other day and I came up with a little fingerpicked tune that sounded ok. Rather than let it go to waste and out of my mind (like I usually do) I figured I would tab the tune out and make it available for anyone that is interested. This makes it my first original that I’ve tabbed out for the site (so please be gentle with me).
Amazing Grace Chord Melody Ukulele Tab
I found this great ukulele tab of Amazing Grace recently in Wilfried Welti’s book Erste Übungsstücke für Solo Ukulele. I dropped Wilfried an email and asked if he would be willing to let me publish it here and he very kindly agreed… Continue reading
Down by Dodie Clark Ukulele Tab
If you’ve spent any time searching for ukulele videos on YouTube then you’ve likely seen at least one video by Dodie Clark. In a pretty big leap from my usual alt-rock stuff today I thought we’d take a look at one of her original songs.
The First Cut Is The Deepest by Cat Stevens
I was doing a bit of playing by ear the other night and I ended up listening to a great cover version of Cat Stevens’ The First Cut Is The Deepest which inspired me to do a really basic fingerpicking tab for any beginners out there.
Ukulele Fingerpicking For Beginners
Fingerpicking can be a little bit daunting if you’re only used to strumming chords on your ukulele. Here’s my approach to get you started with ukulele fingerpicking the simple way. You’ll be up and running in no time. It’s easy when you know how…